jeudi 21 juillet 2011

Croquis personnages

Hello à tous !

Cela faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas posté de croquis.
En voici quelques uns, dessiner au crayon avec un peu de mise en couleur numérique pour certain.
Les personnages, l'une est une jeune fille ou jeune femme, et l'autre est un être fin et élancé plutôt étrange, à priori ni bon ni mauvais...

à bientôt :)

Hi everyone !

I haven't post any sketch since a few time.
Here is some, draw with pencil and digital color for some of these.
The characters, a young girl or young woman and the other is a strange slender and svelte creature, not good or bad in principle.

See you soon :)

5 commentaires:

Dam Ferreira a dit…

Beautiful. I liked

wren a dit…

Really wonderful. What great designs - the characters have such a magical quality. I'm am not sure if these are part of a story you are working on, but I can't wait to see how it comes together.

Marine a dit…

Thank you both ! In fact I read an outline of a story telling, wrote by a person I recently knew, and the characters of his text inspired me. Then my pencil want to drew this characters ! ^^ Maybe that would be evolve by a collaboration betwen this person and me.

Alexiev a dit…

Muy lindos bocetos... me gustaron estos personajes flacos y coloridos...

Very nice sketches ... I liked these characters and colorful skinny ...

Saludos desde Buenos Aires...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations

Alexiev Store - venta de originales

@alexievg en twitter

Marine a dit…

Thank you alexiev !
and Saludos desde Paris :)